A linguist who deals with the description of the Czech language, especially with the use of large electronic corpora and quantitative methods. In 2013-2016 he worked as the director of the Czech National Corpus project, since 2016 he has been the deputy director. Recently, he has been focusing on research on textual variability and corpus-based discourse analysis with a focus on online media.
He came into contact with the phenomenon of conspiracy theories indirectly through the analysis of web media represented in the ONLINE corpus by various segments (besides the mainstream and tabloid media, this is especially the analysis of the segment of the so-called anti-system or alternative media). The publications produced in collaboration with Prof. Masako Fidler from Brown University as part of the joint project Needle in a haystack are devoted to these topics:
- Fidler, M. – Cvrček V.: Going Beyond “Aboutness”: A Quantitative Analysis of Sputnik Czech Republic. In: Fidler, M. – Cvrček, V. (eds): Taming the Corpus. From Inflection and Lexis to Interpretation. Springer, (p. 195–225).
- Cvrček, V. – Fidler, M.: No Keyword is an Island: In search of covert associations. Corpora 17(2). [preprint, accepted for publication]
For more see: https://ucnk.ff.cuni.cz/cs/ustav/lide/vaclav-cvrcek/